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UMC - Amsterdam

Academic Medical Center (AMC)

Department of Medical Microbiology

The Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention of the Amsterdam UMC – AMC is responsible for clinical diagnostics and infectious disease consultations, (bio)medical education and training, and research and development across the full range of disciplines in medical microbiology, including bacteriology, virology and parasitology. The department is also responsible for the clinical supervision of the microbiology laboratory of the Amsterdam Public Health Service (GGD), responsible for primary care and public health microbiology in Amsterdam.


and Principal Investigator


Dr. Sebastian (Bas) Zaat

Dr Sebastian A.J. Zaat is Principal Investigator at the AMC, Department of Medical Microbiology of the research line “Biomaterial-associated infection and novel antimicrobial strategies”.

The current research is building upon results of large interdisciplinary projects combining infection biology, novel antimicrobials, material sciences and host response and immunology. These projects include the Dutch Biomedical Materials (BMM) project NANTICO “Non-Adherent ANTImicrobial Coatings” project (WP Leader), the BMM IBIZA “Imaging of Biomaterial-associated Infection using Zebrafish Analysis” project (Principal Investigator), and the European Commission FP7 BALI “Biofilm Alliance” project (Coordinator).

Dr. Zaat has been vice chair of the working group on ‘In vivo testing and preclinical studies’ of the European COST Action iPROMEDAI “Improved PROtection of MEdical Devices Against Infection”. Presently, he is work package leader in the European H2020 ITN project PRINT-AID and partner in STIMULUS, co-applicant of the Twinning CEMBO project and of the Eurostars SIBAGEM project. Moreover, he is coordinator of the PHOTO-TREAT project, utilizing photosensitizers against bacterial infection, work package leader in the Dutch NWA DARTBAC consortium aimed at novel non-antibiotic approaches to prevent and treat orthopedic implant infections, and partner in the Dutch STW project CRANIOSAFE on antimicrobial craniofacial implants, NWO project SUPERACTIVE on supramolecular polymers to render biomaterials antimicrobial, and NWO projects NESDAP and GDST (Principal Investigator), on novel antimicrobial peptide design by artificial intelligence and AMP controlled release technology.

Dr. Zaat’s publication list consists of over 120 journal publications, 8 book chapters and 2 books (co-editor). Currently, Zaat is co-promotor of 7 PhD students, and 10 PhD students have graduated under his supervision earlier. In the education field, Zaat is board member of the section “Education” of the Royal Dutch Society for Microbiology, Board Member of the Dutch Foundation for Biomedical Scientific Research Training (“SMBWO”), coordinator of and teacher in Bachelor and Master courses on Medical Microbiology of the University of Amsterdam and lecturer at Technical Universities Delft and Eindhoven in the Netherlands.

The STIMULUS researchers in Amsterdam

Gizem Babuccu.JPG

Gizem Babuççu


Nikita Vavilthota

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