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​Ph.D. vacancies : All positions filled!
A short overview of our researchers and projects


Academics: Section Title

The consortium consists of academic scientists with a proven track record in the synthesis, application, and testing of novel materials for bacterial detection and control. The expertise and research program include ethically approved in vitro and in vivo testing of toxicity, monitored by an ethics officer within the project.


Clinical partners (Royal Bristol Children’s Hospital, BCH) and Diakonie Clinic Siegen (DKS) will inform the consortium and ensure that the research output has clinical utility. The Academic Medical Centre (AMC) – at which the research of AMR is performed – is a research centre and hospital with expertise in infection models (in vitro and in vivo), the clinical applications of research and it is a leading developer of novel highly potent antimicrobials.


Industry partners include research-intensive SMEs (Polymun (POL), Atto-Tec (ATT)), multi-national wound dressing companies (Hartmann AG (HAR)) and advanced materials companies (SEFAR (SEF); Nanostone Water (NAN); GLATFELTER (GLA)).


Public Health England (PHE) brings specific expertise of working with government on antibiotic public policy and experience of fundamental research in biofilms and infection. LES Turkey (LES) and KWORKS (accelerator linked to KOC) will facilitate the transfer of ideas from the lab to the companies. KWORKS accelerates the momentum of innovation by enhancing the path for entrepreneurs to build sustainable, scalable, technology-based ventures by integrating early-stage companies from the idea phase into an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Our partners bring a significant patent portfolio and key industrial contacts with them, which facilitates knowledge transfer to partner industries.


We emphasise that although our final goal is ambitious, each partner contributes crucial complementary expertise and technology that significantly reduce the scientific risk and enhance the training opportunities for the ESRs.


Institute for Biologically inspired materials (BIMat)

BIMat is part of the Department of Nanobiotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. It specializes in colloidal aspects of biological systems and materials, including nanoparticle-actuated smart materials and researching biophysical mechanisms in early-stage biofilm formation at liquid and solid interfaces. BIMat has developed nanoparticle functionalized vesicles for controlled release of encapsulated compounds using magnetic fields.


Erik Reimhult

Department of Macromolecular and Paper Chemistry

TU Darmstadt is involved in the certi-fication process “HR Excellence in Research” to implement the Charter & Code. The Department of Chemistry is leading research groups in Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Macro-molecular, Technical, Theoretical Chemistry and Biochemistry being recognized for its broad education profile and strong contacts to industry partners. The department focuses its research on Catalysis, Therapeutics, Polymers with Magnetic Resonance and Theoretical Chemistry as cross-disciplines.


Annette Andrieu-Brunsen

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Koç University was founded in 1993 as a non-profit private and is now one of the leading universities in Turkey, with an emphasis on science, engineering and medicine. KWORKS (Koç University Entrepreneurship Research Center) is one of the top accelerator programs and incubation centers of Turkey since its inception in 2014. It offers four main types of accelerator programs. KWORKS pre-accelerator and accelerator help technology-based startups validate and grow their business.


Sedat Nizamoglu

Institute for Biologically inspired materials (BIMat)

BIMat is part of the Department of Nanobiotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. It specializes in colloidal aspects of biological systems and materials, including nanoparticle-actuated smart materials and researching biophysical mechanisms in early-stage biofilm formation at liquid and solid interfaces. BIMat has developed nanoparticle functionalized vesicles for controlled release of encapsulated compounds using magnetic fields.


Erik Reimhult

Institute for Biologically inspired materials (BIMat)

BIMat is part of the Department of Nanobiotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. It specializes in colloidal aspects of biological systems and materials, including nanoparticle-actuated smart materials and researching biophysical mechanisms in early-stage biofilm formation at liquid and solid interfaces. BIMat has developed nanoparticle functionalized vesicles for controlled release of encapsulated compounds using magnetic fields.


Erik Reimhult

Institute for Biologically inspired materials (BIMat)

BIMat is part of the Department of Nanobiotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. It specializes in colloidal aspects of biological systems and materials, including nanoparticle-actuated smart materials and researching biophysical mechanisms in early-stage biofilm formation at liquid and solid interfaces. BIMat has developed nanoparticle functionalized vesicles for controlled release of encapsulated compounds using magnetic fields.


Erik Reimhult

Institute for Biologically inspired materials (BIMat)

BIMat is part of the Department of Nanobiotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. It specializes in colloidal aspects of biological systems and materials, including nanoparticle-actuated smart materials and researching biophysical mechanisms in early-stage biofilm formation at liquid and solid interfaces. BIMat has developed nanoparticle functionalized vesicles for controlled release of encapsulated compounds using magnetic fields.


Erik Reimhult

Academics: Services

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Muthgasse 11/II - 1190 Vienna - A

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